Everybody knows that in the blogging world you need to face tons of completions and you must have the capability to stand out from the crowd. You are good in your SEO strategies, which will not make you success. You must have the capability to write informative and unique articles. There are various blogs which spoiled themselves due to low rankings in search engine. It is occurred because of some SEO mistakes done by the admin of that blog. I am also one of them when I started my blogging career.
This article is going to help you massively as it will arm you with knowing the SEO mistakes which has the potential of spoiling the ranking of your blog.

# Keyword Stuffing
Keyword Stuffing is being hated the most by search engine giants like Google along with others. There are few website owners who in the pursuit of getting immense popularity use wrong keywords. Hence, it is true that Keyword stuffing stands out to be the worst SEO mistake which can be committed by any website owner.
As their website gets banned, then they have nowhere to go than to repent over their childish action. It can be understood with the help of an example. Like if you are writing an article about “Web Designing” and it is of no use to talk about the entertainment stuff since it is not going to serve any purpose. You will only ensure a hefty penalty by the search engine and readers will also not prefer to stay any longer as well.
# Copyrighting Contents
There are people who want to ensure big term success without working hard at all. Hence they resort to unethical means of copying the articles from other websites and use them as their own. However, such type of malpractice is easily detected by search engines which in turn spoil the ranking of the website. After all, SEO starts from content and it has to be original one which is indeed a must.
# Irrelevant Backlinks
It is very important to have a good PR if you are eying towards gaining popularity of your website. Backlinks work wonders towards helping you to decide about the page rank of your website and it should come from the related article. For example, as an owner of heath related website, it is no use to get backlinks from a tech website. As it has the potential of doing more harm than any good and will spoil the image of your website as well.
# Bad Image Naming
It looks odd when the image title in your blog shows some irrelevant text. Nothing can be more annoying for a reader. Take some time to name the image and give it a title text and description that correctly defines it. Add a link to the image if it helps in providing some more information to the reader, or it requires appropriate Creative Commons attribution.
# Very Bad Design
The design of the website matters a lot as the themes are not limited for appearance purpose, but it equally have relevance for SEO too. Increasing numbers of websites have been penalized in the past by search engines for using substandard design. It is imperative for you to choose website templates as they are available free of cost. Hence choose the one which is considered to be SEO friendly, rather than sticking with a poor random design.
# Leaving Out Meta Description and Tags
Though you may think that it does no good to your page rank but it cannot be a possible reason to leave your meta descriptions. The search engine research pages vary the description of your web page according to the search keywords. So it’s better to define your web page in the best way you think it will drag a reader towards your site.
The tags you put in should be suffice and able to correlate to your page. A good optimized meta description can increase your CTR significantly. Also, a lot of search engines other than Google rely heavily on meta description for ranking your site.
That’s all…I thinks you get something from this post…Don’t forget to use the comment box for your valuable thoughts….
At last have a nice day….


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