Almost 85% of new bloggers stop blogging within 2 or 3 months. Why? It’s because traffic doesn’t come to their blog as quickly as they want it to. But it’s normal, even for experienced bloggers who have been working on their sites for a long time. Other case some new bloggers trying to follow some rules like putting a guest post on others blog and if they don’t get accepted they get disappointed and stop blogging. My suggestion is, if you are a new blogger and if you don’t have that much of writing skills then don’t go for guest posting. There are a lot of other ways to get traffic to your blog.

This article only for new bloggers…Others stop reading here.

I give you a 6 simple ways to get awesome traffic to your blog. I am also following these tips while my blogging.

Make a complete use of Social Networks

There are lots for social sharing networks to increase your blog traffic. Some of them are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Stumble upon, Digg, Pinterest…..etc….

Don’t mix up everything try to concentrate on any of two that you are expert in it. In my case I prefer 
Stumble upon and Pinterest.

Normally every new bloggers don’t know how to make use of stumble upon and pinterest. In that case use Facebook and twitter. Take a look at these…

Try to connect with groups in Facebook. You should also try to promote yourself there so you won’t miss bringing Facebook traffic to your blog. You may find it hard in the beginning but once you get Facebook followers, it becomes very easy.

On Twitter, just follow top bloggers in your niche. Also follow their followers because this is the most simple and effective way to increase your targeted followers. After that, you can tweet your new articles and ask your followers to retweet it.

Commenting Other Blogs

This is the simplest way to get traffic to your blog. Go to some great blogs and read their article then give a comment. Your comments must be related to that article and awesome one .Try to write detailed comments.
If your comments are that much good, every readers coming to that blog definitely look the comment and they connect with your blog. This is one of the simple and awesome ways to drive traffic to your blog.

Try to Create some Videos

Create at least 2 videos that include your blog link at the start, then submit them to YouTube, Metacafe, and other video networking communities. This helps you expand your network not just to readers, but also to video viewers.
If any of your video gets clicked then your blog have a large grow. Try to create Quality videos.

Write At least 400 to 500 words

Do not assume that you can get quality traffic without a lot of effort. You need to present your blog as a unique site to others to make it successful. It takes time to create content, and while you don’t have to spend your full time making only average 500-word posts, you need to make them as good as they can get.

Try to Create Quality Content

If you can’t spend your entire time on blogging, at least try to create detailed posts once or twice a week. This way, you can grab others’ attention and show your blogging expertise to your readers.
It’s really essential for you to make detailed articles regularly to survive in blogosphere, with no shortcuts. This can bring your quality traffic from other sites or search engines.

Don’t forget SEO

Many people say just forget about the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) when you’re just starting out. But that’s a dumb suggestion! You have to focus on and be careful with what keywords to use. You should also know how much keyword density you have to maintain in your content to bring search engine traffic to your blog.

If you’re just starting out, the least you can do is to make a proper keyword analysis before you write your articles then add them into your posts. There are many free keyword tools like Google AdWords, and SEO-friendly blogging platforms like WordPress or Joomla. Just don’t go overboard with the keywords so search engines won’t tag you as a spammer.

That’s all….There are many other ways to make traffic to your blog. My suggestion is follow these tips, if you are a new blogger you will never get disappointed. Concentrate to create a good social network…. Good luck for your future blogging.

Do you have any doubt about this article, feel free to ask me. Don’t forget to use the comment box for your Thoughts.

At last have a nice day…..


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